
Showing posts from August, 2022

13 Year Anniversary since my surgery

Today marks thirteen years of my surgery. Through the past years my emotions have often been conflicting. Exhilarating relief followed by recent experiences of depression, anxiety and loss of self esteem. I am a work in progress. When I shared my symptoms and experiences, someone asked me "But where do you see yourself  in 5years from now". At that moment all I wanted was to feel accepted, understood and a sense of personal peace. But personally I didn't see myself in the same position, especially at work.  After several months of sleepless nights and repeated thoughts that lingered on my mind, I can finally say that I'm much at peace. Ultimately I decided to retire from my stressful nursing career and nurse my own health needs. I will always be a nurse at heart with all the wisdom, knowledge and experience I have gained for more than 20 years.  I'm retiring with a successful gain of completing my Masters Degree in Nursing Health Science. Today, 13yrs post surgery