J pouch

 Good morning. Welcome to blog 3

The difference between a j pouch and an ileostomy, is that a j pouch is found on the inside of the body and collects waste in the pouch. The elimination process is normal through the anus. While the ileostomy pouch is found on the outside of the body and collects waste. An individual needs to empty their colostomy bag 6-8 times per day. A person with a j pouch may pass 5-8 stools per day or more depending on their diet sensitivity.

The challenges I have experienced having a j pouch for the past 12 years are: bloating, cramps, noisy rumbling sounds of my j pouch. The rumbling sounds are very embarrassing especially when you are in a meetings, in the company of family and friends. The sounds are audibly loud.

My normal day would start of with up to four visits to the bathroom or until I feel that my j pouch is empty. This is besides the early morning visit to the bathroom around 1am. With a busy working environment it has been difficult to maintain a proper diet plan of up to 6 small meals a day. I would need to take lomitil during that period to avoid regular bathroom visits. If I experienced severe cramps then I would also take buscopan. During the day visits to the bathroom and as soon as I get home. After supper, bathroom visit, before bed bathroom visit. This is a total of approximately 9 visits to the bathroom. This isn't a normal lifestyle for any individual let alone a person with a j pouch.

No day is the same very bad days can lead to 13 visits to the bathroom and this affects productivity especially for me in the working environment.  My Quality of life has total been altered. The severe fatigue, body aches, abdominal cramps have no specific time of attack. It happens when you least expect it, so that's the reason why I say no day is the same. There are good days though but I cannot specify, I'm just grateful for those days. I can do much more on those day's.

But I  must admit that this is such a secluded life style because even when I want to go out, join friends for lunch the challenges hinder me. I feel like such an introvert at times.

It is weird when we glorify our strength and courage and hide our tears in public. In this blog I have exposed my vulnerability, hoping that others would have the strength to open up about what they are going through. 


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