
My story-Life without a colon

Hi everyone my name is Reshna and I have been living without a colon for almost 12 years. I wanted to share my story about the ramifications of a total colectomy and ileal pouch anal Anastomosis reconstruction. I hope this can help someone to acknowledge that they are not alone in this situation. This is the first time I'm doing a post and I wanted to share something everyday, but today I'm going to be sharing with you on how this all started. I want to be very honest and speak in detail about things others may find difficult to talk about. But this will be done in follow up blogs, I wouldn't want to scare the readers.  No one really prepares you for the challenges that follow in the years to come. I must admit that everyone's experiences are not the same, many have had success stories and many haven't. I'm one of them!  In 2005 I started having low grade fevers, chills, flu like symptoms and self medicated. I'm a nursing sister and like many in the professi