My story-Life without a colon

Hi everyone my name is Reshna and I have been living without a colon for almost 12 years. I wanted to share my story about the ramifications of a total colectomy and ileal pouch anal Anastomosis reconstruction. I hope this can help someone to acknowledge that they are not alone in this situation. This is the first time I'm doing a post and I wanted to share something everyday, but today I'm going to be sharing with you on how this all started. I want to be very honest and speak in detail about things others may find difficult to talk about. But this will be done in follow up blogs, I wouldn't want to scare the readers. 

No one really prepares you for the challenges that follow in the years to come. I must admit that everyone's experiences are not the same, many have had success stories and many haven't. I'm one of them! 

In 2005 I started having low grade fevers, chills, flu like symptoms and self medicated. I'm a nursing sister and like many in the profession we care for others first before our selves. I seeked medical attention only when the bleeding started. I was referred to a gastroenterologist who stated me on some trail treatments. I would take time off work do my IV trail therapy and go back to work. 

The exhaustion, severe fatigue and bodily aches started. After several treatment and periods of remission, UC re-occured. During this time I tried to cope with work, family life, studies and my condition. The only way I could have done this was to work night duty shifts for a lengthy period. Eventually my body couldnt handle the stresses and my superficial way of living. My UC got worse and my only option at that time was surgery cause my UC was failing on the treatment that I was taking.

Surgery wasn't what I had expected and prepared for, it was a very trying time. All my knowledge of nursing didn't prepare me for all that I went thorough at the age of 31 and also the emotional trauma my husband and young daughter had to endure watching me in ICU hooked onto a cvp line, drips, nasogastric tube, catheter, drainage bags, colostomy bag. Recovery took longer than expected with several visits in and out of hospital due to pouchitis. A few months later I had my ileostomy reversed and I have a reconstructed j pouch. 

Please follow my blog as I share more experiences "Life without a colon". 


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