When the path of your season is altered

So often in life we set ourselves for great goals and expectations. When we do not achieve those goals, we feel like failures, sad and mostly shattered. Dont  set impossible goals and allow your expectations to be realistic. Be honest and truthful to yourself, life happens and all your goals may not be achieved. We are all emotional beings. DON'T allow yourself to be fully shattered, use your experience to be a better human.

So when your life goals are altered in the season and your path changes, embrace the change even challenge. Use every challenge, failure, inability to strengthen yourself. The knowledge, experience and wisdom would essentially help you and also impact others. 

Share your experience and don't feel guilty for being sad at times because with sadness comes gratitude. The quality of your life is determined by how you embrace the moment of your altered season.

YOUR body, YOUR mind, focus on Now. You have no control of tomorrow. Live in the moment of your altered season. The PEACE that you receive when embracing the path in your altered season comes with great humility..... 


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